I took 2cb yesterday, molly not working today
What's the right dosage for MDMA?
took a high dose of 2cb yesterday. Can I do molly today?
Can I Enter Spain Earlier Than My Stated Travel Date?
How to redose
Can you do mdma after coke?
Is MDMA underrated while cocaine is overrated?
First time, city setting dosage?
Got my first Schengen visa after prior refusal
What are you starting to dislike more and more the older you get?
Have a plane to catch in 2 hours, am I cooked?
Have a flight in 2 hours am I cooked
Can you do coke a week after mdma?
What was the best set that you ever experienced live?
How bad would it be to roll twice in 3 days?
Do You Guys Ever Move Your Eyes really fast to simulate rolling
650ug lsd dropped like an hour ago
Should I delete my ex’s nudes?
What are few reasons/ways why some people don’t get addicted to drugs and some do?
Pushing limits pt 1: Withdrawal Experiment
Which is the easiest country to get visa from?
What did you find out the "hard way"?