The PRS and Gibson “players” are finally learning how to satisfy their wife’s needs.
Is my posture awful? I have body dysmorphia.
Just got my first guitar to learn Dragonforce! #blessed
Lost my flush cutters
Playing bass got girls interested in me?
Jimmy Hendrix is such an underrated guitarist!
Bell witch is the most calming thing I’ve ever heard
Dave's 3 year max to live
Double the toan right?
why is he singing in the wrong language? is he acoustic?
Years of being inside, sitting playing games during puberty. Now I’m trying to get my life together… opinions? Can I fix this? What’s wrong in the first place?
Guitar teacher needing to practice English
I’m starting to design custom guitars
How does one acquire a triad wife?
Any thoughts on my posture?
dave simp ass 😭
Rate or roast my stack
Any way to play full (5 or 6 string) chords with heavy distortion?
Ok let’s learn how to finger A minor
NGD! Ibanez RGA61ALN
1 month posture progress
I’ve never been like oh yay two tone knobs!
Do i have apt ? And am i bowlegged ?
Can someone tell me why this chord won’t ring out when I play?
Does this guy think he’s Jimi Hendrix?