Please judge my accent speaking English here
Cooking Pork Loins Question
Why Don’t Women Know a Man’s Reality?
What do you guys do with your free time?
Isn't it insane that relationships are common?
Boeing is crashing in 3 hours
Jane Street OA
LPT: If you are expecting a package to be delivered when it snows Shovel a walking path from the road to your front door and make sure you clean the steps as well.
LPT: Though people love to extol the virtues of having a perfect 1-liner comeback when someone insults you, in reality, just saying something like 'Yeah ok' disinterestedly and turning away is much more likely to be effective
LPT: When using a public restroom, make sure the sink works BEFORE you cover your hands in soap
LPT: Never defend yourself by throwing a staff member giving you a break under the bus.
[Breeds] Recommendations for dog breed for a relative beginner with a cat