What series made you shocked that they didn’t have any figures at all?
best makeup remover for really heavy makeup?
Made $0 on a sale due to shipping cost
my friend smells like SHIT
Went to pick up some clearance dolls, encountered g3 hate in the wild...
Hey guys, I reviewed 3 shoes from Killstar in this video and I thought it could be useful sharing here if you're looking for info about them :)
I'm back with the alt fashion hauls! :D And in my newest video I'm reviewing 3 shoes from Killstar, and the 4th one is something more cyberpunk leaning :3
satoko’s hate
I want to cry /pos
Why Corazón has my ghoul heart pounding in eek-citement
What are people's opinion on Ooishi?
Leaked pics of the new designer doll! credit to @monsterhighfiles
how do we feel about the new art style??
Would you rather be friend with Nana K or Nana O and why?
What's your dog's name and why?
Are you team saddle stand or normal stand?
does my dog look a pitbull or staffy? mix?
Why do people keep saying Hitomi is homophobic despite this only being the case in the dub?
Hating Gou/Sotsu is not a hot take nor an unpopular opinion.
Will this figure ever come back?
Help Find This Dress: February 2025
Name a more useless (or annoying) character than Jaken in Inuyasha 😂
full ride for local college that doesn't have my desired degree
What are y’all’s favorite Ciel outfits?
How do you guys feel about Haunt Couture 3 years later?
my nana shelf