My cursed interactions so far...
Maybe I am fucked in brain a bit...
Top 1 most dangerous place for influencers.
Based bhutan
Too much fight here, Lets talk about figherjets
GIRL POWER 💅💅💅🇮🇷🇮🇱🇱🇧
Ich genieße nur die Shitshow, aber das musste mal gesagt werden
Props to the Azerbaijani bro, he reached top three, still couldn't beat [deleted]
Chinese Creating New Medical Device That Turns You From Men Into Women
One city is missing from the list
Yeah let's start ww3
Make love not war
Heartwarming meme to lighten up the mood after today🥰🥰🥰
What a weird day on Asia_irl today
Least Karaboga loving woman from Turkey
im just here for the fun and the memes
North Korea top rated 🌽 (NSFW)
Just an art student in 🇳🇵
I signed for Indian trolling but not for coup in North Korea.
Does He speak for all of you PakBros?
I made this which accurately depicts 90% of Asia_irl users
Arab vs ladyboys
Pov of a tourist in bangladesh
Kebabs dont want you to see this
New Invincible character leaked for Season 4