Stumped - what’s this little girl’s name?
My new gf (29f) just told me (32m) she used to be a sex worker. How do I proceed?
What good questions to ask someone that will reveal who they actually are?
I need a pep talk
I hung these shelves too high didn’t I?
Help me build a dining room around this kick ass chandelier
Just found out we don't get paid for Christmas break
My (M30) Wife (F30) Can’t Take Constructive Criticism
I took my fiance home to meet my family, and left with no fiancé.
ELI5: Why has it become the norm for lumber to be smaller than the name? (ie 2x4 is actually measured 1.5x3.5)
What type of door to put here?
What outdated or obsolete tech are you still using and are perfectly happy with?
I have two rooms with alcoves like this. What should I put here?
AITA for asking that my stepchildren's schooling costs be cut because we have a baby on the way?
AITA for having my mom come over so I could take a shower while she watched my newborn?
Wife tries to pull a power play to get OOP to agree to the baby name she wants (including the most pertinent comment about the specific name)
I'm interested in a game called "Timberborn" and I'm wondering if anyone here has played it?
AITA for raising my voice when telling my sister to drop the subject of what me and my wife are going to name our son?
Art help!!
Help! Husband wants to paint the brick…
I'm I the asshole for hitting my sister-in-law for cutting my 3year olds hair?
What can I do here?
WIBTA to not tell the parents something vital that their baby did?
In survival situations, in terms of controlling caloric intake and preservation, is gorging and rationing food equivalent?
Please help this tired Mom 😩