Gutter Antenna Choke Placement
Arrow II Sat VHF Receive
I'm all choked up
Hardest part of amateur radio?
Musty Smell in Fabric
10m 100W SSB and interference with electronics
Best place to sell a radio?
What Makes You Miss the Old Days of Ham Radio?
ISS contact
Looking for help with setting up/building an EFHW as my first HF antenna I've got some ideas but need a whole bunch of advice concerning what to order/build and the best orientation once setup.
Palomar choke Question/mistake
Blood Test Negotiation
Mothers Noise Exposure
Employer Payroll Overpayment
First HF radio for compromise antenna setup
FT8 Rant
Antenna analyzer required gear?
What band gets you the most jazzed?
SSB Satellites
Just trying to poll the community.
I need some help picking out a tracking mount to connect to satellites
Multiple SDR’s, one RasPi
SDR Concerns with Transmitting
New Fireplace Soot
Finding good repeaters