Why are the replies so ass rn?
Does anyone have any good names for my dogs? (Girl and boy)
Best Players from A-Z
Sam’s personality change
Making a Big Brother Playlist.
Has anyone here had any PERSONAL experiences with a clone?
Okay, I get that my opening wasn’t Oscar winning material, but that response was just… wow. Then his excuse is that ‘not every message needs detail’
I can’t see Kurt and Sam as a couple at all despite the fact that it was supposed to happen.
Love her, but my eyes were glued to the screen. I thought for sure her boobs were coming out!
have you guys eaten your 30 almonds today?
V is for Very astute, Porcelain. That's a little nugget of wisdom I'd really like to jot down. W is for..?
Favorite & Worst season
i miss her wanky
My claim to fame 🎥
Guess my favorite character by my chats! (Difficult)
Should I do it?
Choose the Traitors
what’s up guys im 16
With US3 over, here is my dream cast for Season 4
What's a controversial Traitors opinion that you'll defend with your life?
WHY THE HELL IS HE SPEAKING SPANISH HELP (bonus points if you can guess who this is)
What are you most excited about for when you shift?
Who did Britney vote for? (WRONG ANSWERS ONLY)
most unpopular place your shifting to?