My (objectively) correct Tudor monarch ranking from worst to best.
I know I’m ugly but I don’t know what to do about it 17M
Unpopular Opinion? The Institute has easily the best aesthetics of any faction in any fallout game
Unpopular Opinion? - but I honestly think that the Institute from Fallout 4 has the best aesthetics of any faction in the series
Take your favourite episode of Doctor Who, if you could improve anything about it, what would that improvement be
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Livia Soprano
if you ever feel that your life is meaningless just remember that Ian Moore literally sits on his ass with no partner job or kids in a rotting estate and still is too lazy to stream gta
How do Christians reconcile the idea of finite crimes/finite good deeds with infinite heaven/hell?
19m Dorking looking for someone close who wants to meet today
How it feels trying to endure a friday fortnite stream
is it worth it to do extra-cirricular activities in sixth form/college just to make a UCAS application/CV more desirable?
I decided to write a plot for Elder Scrolls 6 while I was high. Please tell me if you like it.
Do Vietnamese people have a positive outlook on British/English expats?
Xbox Games Showcase Megathread
Every day I think Gamerant can't go lower, and they surprise me every day.
Average New Vegas fan when you make a negative steam review about the worst "dlc" in fallout history (courier's stash)
Crazy comspiracy theory: This steam description for Fallout 3 implies that the fallout games are just all vault-tec simulations of what the wasteland actually is like, thus all of them never actually happened!
Ideas for a 'Seven Deadly Sins' build
How do the majority of atheists explain the 'cosmological argument' for the existence of a God?
Weekend Discussion Thread for March 29, 2024
It's officially over for obsidian fanboys
And so kirkbride gave birth to some beautiful babies…..
Hidden Todd Howard Interview! UNHINGED!