LF: Shiny Pogo Totodile in a pokeball; FT: various CD mons, and others
FT- Custom OT PoGo Shiny Legends, LF- Shiny PoGo Legends
Looking to gender swap this shiny male for a shiny female in-go. I can fly. Can also offer pogo mons for helping.
FT: pics LF: Offers
Trading Pogo stamps, looking for description ☺️
LF: Description FT: Pics
LF: English, PoGo Shinies (1st page). FT: English, PoGo Shinies + Durant (2nd page)
LF Shiny Spiritomb/Weezing/ Trapinch Good IVs
Trading stamps, looking for description.
I have no friends to share this with but im so happy 😭🙏
Looking for a spare shiny Tapu Koko still in Go.
Looking for custom OT Pokeball G-Articuno.
Trading Custom OT Thunderous in premier ball. LF description
Ft: All pogo shinies. Lf: pogo shiny offers (no community day please)
PoGo Trading
Trading Stamps. Looking for mainly PogoShiny G-ARTICUNO & can offer multiple. Also looking for description.
Advice on how to get lots of pokeballs
LF Shiny pogo bb ub, gb g.zadpos Ft pics
Looking for description, offering Pogo stamps & can do multiple if needed.
Trading POGO. Looking for description but a few not up for trade
Trading POGO, Looking for Description 👇 can do multiple if needed
Trading POGO, Lf description.
FT: in-Go Pokeball ♀️XXS Pansage, Ducklett, Deerling & Golett. Looking for in-Go Pokeball ♂️ Pansage/♂️Pansear
FT: Unova Tour + Scatterbug shinies in Go. LF: Rare In Go/Stamped Lv1 shiny offers (last pic)
FT: Shinys in Go LF: Tracker in Comments