Are my legs proportional or should I grow them more?
Seeking for peace and ENTP
F*ck, Marry, Ctrl+Alt+Delete… but it’s the ENTP Edition
Weekly "Trend" Megathread: Tier lists, Family Dynamics, Make Assumptions, AMAs, etc.
F*ck, Marry, Ctrl+Alt+Delete… but it’s the MBTI Edition
Are ENTPs compatible with ENTJ, ESTP, or INTJ?
A child prodigy from India has set a world record. He mentally added up 100 four-digit numbers in 30.9 seconds.
The world has become twisted since the pandemic
Romantic compatibility (for me personally, an INFP)
Should I reach out to an ex on his birthday, or go no contact?
Best prank ever
Anyone regret trading
Fortress without a key
What is the worst song you have ever listened to?
Favorite Love Song?
Music that does this
Denim suit suggestions
It’s the epitome of psychopathy that people in today’s generation would prefer losing their person forever instead of talking.
2 months postpartum and being called fat
How do you feel about esfj?
To G.
Surprised my son with a Cayman
Australia's favorite coffee???
Why is ENTP and INFJ so compatible?
How are you making money in these markets?