Mail day!
A bunch of shit on some shelves.
The right opportunity finally presented itself.
My attempt at a Dunk wheel.
Made my own labels.
Mail call: record case
[GIVEAWAY] ❤️Thank you for 100+ Followers!❤️
Dude thought he wasn't going to get caught after posting on live
On a livestream nonetheless. You truly can't fix stupid.
I Can’t Decide…
Artsandrec SB coming this fall
RIP George Lowe 🙏🙏
had a jetta for 6 years, upgraded just a little
Dunk Seoul
Best Audio Tone Settings for non B&O Speakers ?
Lord Quas
What y'all know about these?
[WTS] Amazing Seiko Sale - Dolce, Spirit, Type -II, SilverWave ($145-$275)
My 2021 Badlands (day 1 reservation)
Did any humans touch ?
2 Watch Collection
[FS] details in comments
A painting at my cousin’s house. Idk why but it cracks me up every time I see it.
Concord SBs Creasing
just did it