I don't need it... i dont need it.... I NEED IT
Do aviation puns make you 🤢
[Spoilers]The new season’s prices.🤔
What do we think, folks
How my coworker cuts onions
This is so stupid honestly. Why even give us the option to change the color if we can’t fully customize it? No one wants to change the dot colors.
Does anyone else cut the middles out of their kiwi? And if so, how?
Dear people of sky
I thought this was weevil before the zoom in 😭
Thought that was a big mosquito at first...
200 iq move
How's my pirate outfit?
“Sky is for kids!” The kids:
My partner's toothbrush
Not quite Sky related, but Journey turned 13 years old today!
Who thought adding symbols to sky was a good idea?
My pothos curling, drooping and yellowing
True Color Images of Every Planet in the Solar System.
Walking my dog by a lake in Miami today. Friend says gator but I think it’s a croc?
What are you looking at ?
Todays rock
Should i spend or save candles guys (help)
Can someone ID this little guy.
Everything is too grey! What colour rug should I get?
Bro got thrown💀