Social media makes some people crazy.
What's something you didn't appreciate as a kid but absolutely love now?
You’ve just been slapped and the next object to your left is your weapon, what is it?
What is the most annoying song that you ever heard?
What’s the dumbest way you’ve injured yourself?
What is your secret to an healthy relationship?
What are some underrated self-care habits that make a big difference?
What is the most random senseless memory that stays stored in your mind for no reason?
What is the most painful injury/thing that you have ever been through?
What are signs to tell that a person is intelligent?
What is your worst habit, and why?
If you could use a voodoo doll to hurt anyone you chose, would you?
If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
What are some things you do to help you fall asleep?
what’s something that you know you will regret eating but eat anyway?
In your opinion, which food tastes better the next day?
Who is the best person in your life and why?
DAE think the same soda tastes different between a 2-liter and 20-ounce?
what do you love most about yourself?
What small, ridiculous thing makes you irrationally angry??
What’s the best self-help book you’ve read for ADHD, anxiety, or just life in general?
What’s one thing you did that helped you lose weight?
What is something minor that just irritates you?
What is something You do that is harmful to your health , but you do it anyway ?
What’s the dumbest way you’ve ever injured yourself?