Biggest stat checks in 10e
Found a big ol' lie in the codex
Coop nightmare difficulty ideas
The real reason EC can't field their forgefiends
Painting question
Landraider + Noise Marines?
My alied knight wip
The Dawn Blade isn't a goddamn daemon sword.
Can I add allied units like war dogs?
Massive rules change in the latest FAQ: You can no longer receive both cover and obscuring from the same terrain feature
How do I deal with a unit who blocks an access point?
Objectively most neglected factions since the beginning of 10th edition?
How are you running your Demon Prince?
No Wonder We Didn't Get Chariots
Why are heldrakes so expensive?
Official Points Costs
James Workshop takes a nerf hammer to Plant Beacon in today's FAQ
Is the CSM Disco Lord now viable?
Art of War ranks Emperor's Children Datasheets!
Some datasheets for the new EC units.
Meta Meta Analysis of detachments
Emperor's Children Codex Datasheet Tier List | 40K Fireside
Are we gonna get a killteam?
How do you guys feel about your main faction in terms of how viable it is right now?
Of the CSM units omitted from Emperors Children, which ones are the biggest head scratchers?