My Best pulls as beginner collector
Theres no better feeling <3
6v6 as only Healer
Is this considered plat stats?
I think Gold looks best, whats your opinion?
Recently got back into collecting. Probably not anything special but I love this card!
Why is everyone one Private?
Kiriko Mains pls tell me your secrets
I finally gave in and opened my surging sparks booster box
OWCS Ember Juno
What cards vor Eevee Evo Card Collection
Why do you like Overwatch?
Look what cool Card i got 😎
Im trying to get my Girlfriend into the pokemon hobby. I think its working (she changed her ps icon to bisasam)
Worst Mythic Skins barely any options for customizing
Your thoughts on Custom Cards?
What are some dps heroes that are "easy" to learn and climb with?
Highest match range ever?
Worst loss streak you’ve had?
After being hardstuck bronze, I went on a 23-2-2 streak to gold. thank you to my supportive friends that told me I could get out of bronze
Is it okay if i put my Hits in a ETB sleeve and then in the Binder?
Yellow vs Silver Borders which do you like more?
Such a cute promo card
What are these White cards called in that artstyle i want to do a binderpage of these
I still think Gold looks the best, am i wrong?