My 3D printed Cheops Class Pyramid Ship with a big feature
My big Goauld models finally together.
Few pictures from the model showcase I had this weekend
My Goauld collection so far (3D printed)
How powerful would destiny be in it's prime?
My Rocinante model with complete SubPress set. A worthy collection for my favorite series of all time.
Current state of my Showroom - my 3D printed (mainly Stargate) models
A couple of familiar faces in The Expanse
The ancient plague.
Rescue - Here we see the Atlantis coming to the rescue of Destiny (if you look close u can see a jumper docked with Destiny :D
DVD Magazine Scaled BC304 VFX model - All dimensions not just length, to prove a point - Yep I got bored again
Started 3D printing some ships.
Ha´tak Class Pyramid Ship MKII 3D printed
3d printed Stargate with iris
3D printed Prometheus
Showcase of all the Stargate models I designed and published in 2024
I am curious why did the designated the Tau'ri ships with X for example the x-302 / x-303 was it homage to Star Wars ?
What if a group of Ancients survived to modern times and had decided to dedicate their future existence to exploring and interacting with the greater universe?
Finally received my Master Replicas Stargate... except it's badly warped. :(
System Lords heroes available in Pegasus Chronicles
My 3D printed Stargate Models
Super Heavy Starship in 1/48 scale
Update on my Showroom
Orientation of space gates