Slightly of-fence-ive?
Hitlers don’t wear shorts
Hitler wearing shorts
I genuinely attribute a large part of my love of reading today to this. Such a cool concept then.
A man ordered Door Dash! He financed it! He ordered Door Dash & financed again! End of story!
Name a film where the soundtrack is as iconic as the movie itself.
Puuurfect scenario
He was gay, Black Puffle?
Noah’s acting a little fishy.
I’ll post a construction joke later.
What’s your thoughts on the movie, Whiplash? 💭
I’m putting all my money on Sheeton Haul
What retro logo do you prefer? First or second?
What historical President looks the most like Americans today?
Separate ways
In sequel-obsessed Hollywood… what movies are you pleasantly surprised DIDN’T get a sequel?
I can’t find my “Gone in 60 Seconds” DVD…
Again with the ending?!
Let me tell you something. Nowadays, everybody’s gotta go to therapy and talk about their feelings. Whatever happened to Gary Cooper? The strong, silent type. That was an American. He wasn’t out there whining about how WE WERE ON A BREAK!
What 80s film made you a fan of movies for life?
Choose yours
Who's Career Would You Rather Have?
Dear millennials what was your obscure childhood crush?
Sorry it’s one day late but this cartoon is o’possumly funny