I've made a HUGE mistake!!!!!!
Smart plug with cloud AND local API?
Bioshock inspired table lamps
My first skull in Nomad💀 using my Lenovo M11 tablet ☺️
K1C crashes
K1C motherboard location and removal.
Panick attack after finishing the first game for the 100th time.
Explain bioshock in 5 words
Horrendous first time benchy.
$500 brand new!!
First Print
Hello, I am New to This Subreddit and I found This Game Casually on The Horror Section of The Microsoft store on My Xbox Series X, I would Like to Ask This Subreddit the if this Game its Worth Playing or Maybe Wait a Remaster/Remake.
Frank Lloyd Wright inspired lamp
Merch collectors unite!
First (?) 3D-Printable Shell for Xbox 360 (Trinity)
XK3Y: is it worth anything in 2024?
i did some research and i think this is all i need for modding my xbox. let me know if i need anything else or to get a better thing (price in aud)
Probably been ghosted
Music as therapy
Did the narc make you apologise for things you didn’t do
Restless and waiting
Men who were in relationships with covert narcissistic women
Ridiculous things that they would lie about
Transalor from narc language needed!