Never say die. Iba talaga ang team 90’s
Ganito ba talaga mga public hospitals?
Ganito ba talaga sa mga public hospitals?
Ganyan ba talaga sa mga public hospitals?
Your top 3 clone fragrances in your collection
What is your SOTD?
What’s a good leather fragrance?
Rest in peace Kim Sae Ron. Koreans are the most cruel fans in the world.
How good is Dwight Ramos?
Best Hopia and Siomai
What's the best fragance you have ever smelled?
Try mong mag commute at pumasok sa public schools
Name one actor whose movies you'll watch simply because they’re in it
Oo nga naman
Not Pinoy but Pinoy related issues, your thoughts on Doc Adam’s advocacy?
Favorite underrated players in the UAAP & NCAA?
My Personal 10 Disturbing Documentaries Available on Netflix
Songs to listen to when testing out new headphones
this mindset
Such a gorgeous film!
Gene Hackman and wife found dead in their home.
Gene Hackman and wife found dead in their home
What are your favorite looking cologne bottles?
With the exception of Junemar Fajardo, who is the best Filipino basketball player right now?
Latest survey pasok si Willy