Will gems from S4 (and prior) become more or less valuable as more Series are created?
Listen to #68, 12 Mega Stache Break Happening Tomorrow 3/20 7pm EST - LFG 🔥💎
WTS #1-SP S3 ❄️
u/MazAdamsArt13 I need you to hold up your end of the deal we made over 9 months ago. I've been very patient with you, but now's the time for you to deliver.
Who wants to win an ONYX RAINBOW for $50?
Today was a GOOD day 😎
Found a store selling individual packs
Egyptians Curse
BAE Day One through Ruby
My grandparents were reunited today
Are Red Hots cooked in a Crawfish Boil allowed?
Selling collection
BAE and Diamond Hands sets
If anyone is bored at night, swing by & say hi! 🕺If you have been to my show and would like to share your experiences in the comments please do! 🫶MaximosCardTunes on Whatnot.
Got Bae???
With the discussion that's taken over the chat the last 15 hrs and people reaching out to me via chat.. read below
Congratulations to the winner of the mispriced char-ity item!
S4 Master Set finally all in one place!
What's a fair value? Can't find series 1 prices, especially for higher rarity.
Bitcoin beryl set
Hey guys! Caught up on Geddes let’s go again! Here’s my lists s1-s4 !! HMU with what you need and what you got that I need! Will trade across sets as well!
r/CurrencyTradingCards +10K member GIVEAWAY! 🏆📢🎉
Never thought I'd be averaging down but I'll take it
I have these two, is anyone interested in them?