[H] Daemons, Sisters, Grey Knights [W] $ [Loc] MI
u/GolgariDethCreap karma thread
Andy Serkis Ruined Audiobooks
[H] Tau lot, built/NOS/NIB [W] $$ [Loc] KS, USA
POV: You see another doggo outside!
[H] Ravenwing Black Knights, NiB Grinkrak's Looncourt [W] Rhinos, PayPal [Loc] AZ
Guy builds a plasma cannon out of 2 water jugs.
Why are they so Photogenic?
Closing in on 2k, any changes I should make
[H] DKOK, Guard, Marines, Chaos, Aeldari, AOS Lots, [W] $$, [Loc] Toronto, CAD
Now According to google it’s officially gulf of America
Olive, 9 months, looking like a chicken nugget.
NFL scraps 'End Racism' message from Super Bowl LIX end zones
NFL will remove 'End Racism' from the end zones ahead of Super Bowl
[H] Space Marines, Rogal Dorn Tank, Darktide, AoS, 30k [W] Paypal [Loc] Canada
Such a sick model
[H] Huge Krieg Army + Celestian Sacresant Aveline [W] Paypal [Loc] Cali US
[H] Repulsor Executioner + gladiator lancer, [W] paypal, [Loc] usa
Will she lose those puppy eyes? 🥹
Let's bet on who the new member is
which wrestler gives you this feeling?
[H] Astra Militarum, Space Marines, Kharadron Overlords, Underworlds, Bloodbowl [W] Warmachine Southern Kriels, $$$ [Loc] Miami, FL
My newly updated list, thoughts?
From the Devastation, Teus rises to join the Apothecarion
What are the coolest dark side lightsabers?