100 Hour check-in, how is everyone liking the game so far?
Is Generations Ultimate Grindy compared to Wilds?
This is Vamp.
No sex in over 3 years
Are you guys going to watch ragegamingvideos mhwilds videos?
Releasing artian weapons with the base game was a mistake...
Uth duna appreciation
The diverse and varied endgame of wilds be like
Cheaters already at it
From last year survey, 2 down, what people think is next?
Who is your favorite apex now ?
I was morbidly curious on their thoughts on Wilds.......I should not have gone and looked
I can't be the only one who is this way
Heals inbound!
Why is this harder than the Arkveld fight ;-;
Seeing everyone say MHW is "too easy" makes me wonder if we're playing the same game.
All my complaints about this games difficulty leaving me the second I fight a 5 star Tempered Gore Magala
Honest question what’s your keybind for your kick?
I understand people who want to reach High Rank/End game ASAP, but I just like to take my time~
The relentless on rails handholding in story mode is absolutely rediculous.
This is insane
mh wilds vs mhw vs mh rise (steam)
Stop defending poor performance
(Let's be honest) The game looks like blurry mess on an RTX 3080 and below