I know Zoh Shia can only be fought once in Low Rank and you can't craft any gears from it for now, but what about Guardian Arkveld that is also only fought in Low Rank? Is the hunt for Guardian Arkveld repeatable so you can farm for its gears or?
"Update interrupted, system will shutdown"
I can't login into the game, I guess their servers are down?
You do not have the required quest state
Can someone please explain the differences between each body mod?
Viper is not difficult to play. The game only does a poor job teaching it to the player.
PS5 version not loading
Regal Princess Nov 17th Sailing
[S1 E4] Glitched in the barn in LiS: Remastered
Is Anyone Else's Speeder, Uh... Homicidal?
Can I get the cost of lost memories ending in new game plus after doing the other two endings ?
Fishing Rod Melds for 100?
Att fiber broke but still works?
Puzzling Places on PSVR2 - First Impressions after 2P Co-Op
Unable to Find License?!
What are your top 3 games you want on PSVR2.
I was going to play No Man's Sky this afternoon but another title stole my time.
Moss Book 2 looks Really boring, but then…
Is my unit defective?
Beat Saber tricked me
Sense Controller with flatscreen games?
Please tell me if PSVR 2 works with Minecraft or not
Am I the only one who can’t use Pulse 3D with PSVR2? Whenever I play, Pulse 3D has no sound and the settings of it is grayed out saying it’s not available when PSVR2 is in use. Anyone knows how to get Pulse 3D to work with PSVR2?
a little bit of room
New to Vr. Is it possible to play with no headphones ? only with Sound coming from the TV?