I don’t like Nolan’s first rookie
$20/h jobs in or around Liberty
5 pm to 3 am work life
Talk me out of a Glock 19
What hobby or interest is full of assholes?
I'm on season 5 and it's really bad and unrealistic. Does it everget good again?
Starting an unarmed security job tomorrow full time at a shelter. I’ll be working 55+ hours a week. Does anyone have any advice or links to gear I should purchase?
This show is very Hollywood and it makes me giggle.
If a movie was made based on your sex life, what would the title be?
Worst thing each character has done Day 3: Angela Lopez
I hate to say this
What do you miss from the corps
Say something nice about this man
AZ Visiting + Moving Here Questions (Feb 17)
Anyone else think that Nolan and Genny would have made a decent couple?
What if someone see's you carrying?
What's your philosophy of use in a CCW firearm? Minimalist or give every advantage?
Is 1000 rounds a month excessive?
What should I do?
[22] what am I missing?
Yes I bought one after making this
What's your arbitrary reason for you to kill someone in the game?
Build out the 19x or go…
Is living off the gi bill a bad thing