Almost ready to buy MY… not holding out for Juniper, but any advantage on buying a 25 MY vs inventory 24? Tesla told me they are identical
How do I start an annual leave donation process?
Back from vacation and ready to get bent over and railed by trash orders!
“Small Order”
Is it okay to leave my 13 year old boy home alone for 3 days (72 hours)?
So basically we're all gonna get deactivated once our insurance has to renew because we cant log in??? Lol mines re-news month either way i wake up everyday thinking if im gonna be able to spark or not lol
they paying better on roadie I see
We just adopted this little guy, but he still doesn't have a name. Suggestions?
Best credit card for pet items?
How much money do you spend on gas as a dasher?
Am I entitled to require OEM parts for repairs?
Stop cat from going on the couch and behind the tv stand help!
How much is routine vet visits for 2 kittens? Should I get the pet insurance with the routine vet visits.
When should I feed my 3 month old kittens? I have an auto feeder
Better to adopt brother and sister or brother and brother/sister and sister?
Uber eats vs DoorDash
Dash full time ?
Litter advice? What brand of litter do you guys use?
How many times do I feed my cat wet food? 3 month old kittens
Do cats forget their owners? I’m leaving my cat for three months cause I’m going to college and I’m gonna miss him so much :,) is he going to remember me when I’m back?
Anyone use USAA Pet Insurance?
Picking up 2 kittens this weekend. Should I bring them collars to put on or try to go slow with getting the collars on them?
First time adopter! What questions should I ask the shelter?
Xtra long wait times at pickup: should I cancel one order if the other is available?