I need a real real rape so much, I loved it so much to give control over to a random guy on tinder, but it’s just not enough :>
Latest WIP
Louis lounging...
Thoughts on this color scheme? I just started sewing & this is my first quilt ever so it’s def far from perfect. I’ve only completed 12 blocks so open to suggestions :)
Top is finished!
Whats the term for a gathering?
What's your biggest quilting guilt?
Just a duffle bag
Just a Duffle Bag
Newest Addition
Threw a quilt together for my gran in 2 days
A quilted wall hanging I made back in December
Ah, there she blows.
I’m thinking about buying a bunch of shrimp tanks, convince me it’s a good idea.
Rainbow Pebble Wall Hanging Complete
You heard him
Had an idea
Autumn Jelly Roll Quilt
To border or not to border?
Halloween Quilt
Foster Nugget on the batting
Bored, with covid.
And Rainbow Chandelier Washed and Dried
Sunflower Quilt done