Most useless chapter of class 12th......i mean wtf is this bhaiiiii kya bkl chapter hai ye😭😭😭
what even is the point of this chapter man wtf 😭😭😭
Guys....dr.Sadao was gay...
(Class 12 english cbse ) who got >90
26M : Is this dandruff or something else?
He is more excited than the students 🔥🔥
Actors and their real names
Looks like This prediction was really 100% accurate
What should I name her
Suggest a name for him
What was your expected and real percentage in 12th cbse ?
It's my Birthday ✨✨
Who is their target audience dawg? 😭
Tell me you're rich without telling me you're rich
Seniors please drop your expected and actual % of class 10th
Watch my D pic(boys only)
what you gonna do after end of boards
who got cooked in chem and phy (compartment) 12thie
Damn god bless who made this paper
Did I said something wrong?
I feel violated and confused by what my fiancé did to me. WIBTAH if I told my parents?
f*ck geo atp it's better i sleep