The Lich is seeking out the Master Emerald,for a very specific wish,the extinction of all life throughout the omniverse.
[ Sonic is making some noodles. ]
*a faker has been seen with a axe ending lives of mobians*
Hello ladies and gentlemen. I'm doing this for lapis. Lapis is making a back up account. If her account gets banned
*no context*
*Silver flys up in the air clutching one of his sides, he has an exhausted look on his face, and then he falls out of the sky and crashes to the ground*
Do I have too many characters (*adding minos prime*)
All hail lord megatron
What are your thoughts on this mod?
Any thoughts on villain lapis
Hello everyone I am dispenser. It's nice meeting you all
It appears that I have some free time from my duties, ask me anything
Court has arrived fkr the trial of awesome guy. The judge, and everyone is waiting for a prosecutor.
I don't know how I did it but I did. I might die
N waits for Uzi when she tackle hugs him from behind.
*searchers form around the city attacking innocent mobians*
Bob(Smg4) vs Imposter(Among Us)
I'm the dancing demon. Watch me twirl jump and spin. I'm quick to give a smile but I won't forget you sins. HEHEHEHE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA (*fades out*)
(*Ink starts appearing everywhere puddles dripping and spreading like a virus. The ink machine is alive*)
Howdy the engineers in the field
(*every screen turns static before showing Mr puzzles*) HELLO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. FID YOU MISS ME?!
I challenge everyone to a Pokemon Battle