Why do people put signs are on their car like "baby on board" ? New Driver be patient ...
Is a travel CPAP worthwhile?
Is it safe to assumed most people don’t know pick up truck drivers prefer to back into a parking spot?
Why do people choose sides/ideologies and start agreeing with everything in that instead of just having independent thing and having your own beliefs and mindset?
Does This Porkpie Look Too Small?
Possible Scam?
A.I.T.A.H for cutting of an old friend when she wanted to reconnect after we slept together?
How many blues dancers found that the intimacy of the dance, particularly close embrace, created major conflicts with your spouse or other long-term relationship?
Moved in to a new apartment and found this under the sink.
About to use my equipment for an event, what should I prepare beforehand to not experience any problems?
Can married partners have friends of the opposite sex?
What do Americans call this symbol £?
Why are we allowed to turn right on red lights in the US?
Fixture only dim with all Edison bulbs?
If a cashier accidentally gives you extra money, but it’s the exact amount you recently lost—karma or theft?
2x18 subwoofer sitting on unistrut. This can't be the correct way to rig this, right?
Why are American cops so aggressive and over zealous compared to others?
AITAH for being upset with my wife (27F) for going to see a concert with her male friend
AITAH for refusing to switch seats on a plane, even though a mom wanted to sit with her kid?
Do cars have to stop for pedestrians at a crossing if the lights are out?
Why do parents drive their kids to school when they live so close?
AITA for telling my girl that I'm uncomfortable with her wearing pasties to a concert?
Anybody ever use a genie super straddle before?
AITA for telling my partner I don’t want her going out with guys that are interested in her?
Why can’t people learn how to zipper merge?