Ted is really the worst
When you and your commuting homie get lost at the nutwood structure looking for your car and 1 minute later you found it.
*Spoiler* Anyone else noticed this ? (S3E6 & S5E16)
Photos of Non major characters out of context.
If these two ever come across each other, it will be a Wolverine and Deadpool like crossover
U.S. Marines Descend on Southern Border Amidst Executive Orders
These four guys help narrow the Republican house majority especially two in OC. Talk about a blue wave in California.
Michelle Steel supporters in front of their lawn with their Steel sign in Fountain Valley seeing their neighbor across from them with a Derek Tran sign after looking at the current results.
The Heavy Truth [MW2]
This dude sounds like Jimmy
Which member of the Corleone family would you have dinner with?
What is a movie you could rewatch a million time without getting bored ?
Michael with a shaved head
Anthony looks HUGE now! He’s prepared for Kenny 💀
YouTube slowing down on web browser because of Ad Blockers
10+ Car pileup on 405 N near Goldenwest just happened!
Weather in OC right now have me like
Matthew Perry died today at 54 years old, this is his last Instagram post. RIP
Y'all ever get annoyed at people who want friends but they don't put in the effort?
Guy cuts in front of long line at seaside then gets mad when called out
Summerlands Line as of 4 o clock
"Hey, that's Jenny, I used to date her in 2019." Mystery "Pink Beret Girl", a Jan 6th most-wanted insurrectionist, was identified by ex-boyfriend, who turned her in to the FBI after seeing her on Twitter. (info in comments)
Men, would you date a woman that’s over 6ft tall?
Japanese musician and former Downtown collaborator Ryuichi Sakamoto has passed away at age 71