Out of all the things in MCU, it's weird that they made aunt May young
Queen’s portrait to be removed from $5 note and replaced with First Nations theme
What’s the best way to avoid server merge as a two person sloop
is it all about skins?
Who are your favorite Mr/Mrs Teflon actors? The actors that never seem to let bad movies hurt their career or legacy.
What are some SpongeBob themed ship names that you can think of?
Man VS British Society, next, which videogame is about Man VS Self
Does anybody hate Jason Momoa? Because in my head he’s one of those celebrities nobody hates.
Rewriting The Hooded Man?
What's your favorite tyranid model?
What is a sitcom that you couldn’t finish all the way through?
Unpopular opinion: Why you shouldn’t run
Does scatter shot have any uses?
What hull livery best matches the sails of the gilded age for a sloop?
Could these Alien species survive Warhammer universe
Erebus, by me
An Opinion/Take that'd have you like this?
Does anyone else find Jack insufferable?
Just an average day in Nuln
Green flames rise from manhole covers on Texas Tech campus. Buildings are being evacuated.
Well gang, I watched Martyrs and I miss who I was 2 hours ago
Watch footy at pub while smoking
Reminder to do your Voyages of Luck!
What a coincidence
Who you gunna call?
Sam Hyde