Unused Flesh Lip sound files. Ironically, while it attacked it was supposed to scream in Mary's voice and call out to James, as if he was the attacker.
Arkadiusz Reikowski commented on my video and made my night 🤭
Maria's jail cell is empty in the reflection in James' eyes.
Two dry cell batteries from the original game and a broken key are laying in front of the glimpse of the past in Brookhaven otherworld. What's strange is that in the original game James only finds one battery.
The boiler in Brookhaven has a website written on it, if you go to the website it's a just a screenshot of the boiler with Mira's model spinning, and clicking on Mira plays random inventory sounds (Link below)
The spider mannequins make some weird sexual noises. Here is an example (don't listen to this while youre out in public)
When James leaves his items in the locker, the room 312 key turns into the director's office key, and all the maps he leaves are actually the same map of Brookhaven. Also the handkerchief and Angela's knife don't appear in the locker, for some reason.
"you are in" is written in faint red letters on all medical reports in Brookhaven otherworld and a few notes in prison (but in most of them it's really faint).
She's Been Found: Original Source of Another Brookhaven Portrait
This cutscene isn't what it seems. Angela hears footsteps and notices someone watching them behind the fence. She recognizes that person and talks to them and panics. The footsteps and rustle of clothes are heard by disabling music and ambience.
The traffic lights in South Vale Otherworld are stuck on red, as a way for James' subconscious telling him to stop. They could also be references to the red squares.
A specific nurse keeps appearing in Brookhaven.Her face is the same as Maria's posters.Her picture in the nurses' lounge is scripted to change(idk what triggers it). In a poster the same person has their hand in their pants & the girl wears a feeding tube,like one of the 3 patients.
Some very strange things about the Maria ending. The "Dream" sign above Maria's head is off. James' clothes are soaked, which doesn't happen in the other endings. He uses Brookhaven's men's locker room key to unlock his car (he uses a normal car key in other endings)
These are possibly James' childhood photos in Bluecreek
I don't care what anyone or any company thinks but imo SH2 Stillness ending is the greatest ending ever made.
I found a hidden message
Hints that James might be in a mental hospital during the game
Ruined Area Combat Observation/Question
Every time James stands in front of the back door of L2 the sign disappears and the light in the room goes out.
Easter eggs & interesting things in posters and other in-game art
Ironically, the "KISS" sign appears as "SICK" above Maria's head and the "EXIT" sign is in a cage.
Symbols appear on James' body and face
Bloober Team sent me something for solving the polaroid puzzle!
The flowers on Mary's handkerchief shine red