The only two characters I need to see return in the next ME game
What OGs should be get for siege x cosmetics
Is a Happy Ever After possible with Miranda Lawson?
Is anyone else surprised R6 siege hasn’t collaborated with other Ubisoft games besides Sam Fisher. Like a perfect addition would be nomad. A flying drone or something.
Freja | New Hero Gameplay Trailer | Overwatch 2
Which map is calling?
(Heated question) Who is a Mass Effect character everyone else likes that you don’t (Image Credit Gavno221)
You are able to romance one non-romanceable character and there are no gender barriers. Who do you choose?
Omega DLC - what did you like and dislike about it?
Why does everyone hate lair?
Veilguard feels like the writers were rushing through all the major lore reveals just so they can move on in the theoretical sequel.
Why is the SMG 11 Portal Gun attachment camo on the Reaper MK2?
Rainbow Six Siege Reveal Megathread
How are you finding the reputation system so far?
I used to dislike the "Power" system for Inquisition, until I played Veilguard...
[DAV Spoilers] What makes Davrin stand out?
What would y’all like to see being added to Siege X?
should ubisoft buff the new op?
What’s your favorite scene in the series?
What are your DA Vocal Stims?
Y10S1 Seasonal Survey - Make Your Voice Heard!
Favourite Romance moments from Rommaces you never/rarely play?
[DAV SPOILERS ALL] we need to talk about Mass Effect
Zofia loadout?