[TDM] Channeled Dragonfire (Card Gallery)
[TDM] Common Cycle of 5 Mana-fixers Revealed, and WOTC on Returning to Tarkir (IGN)
Probability with at least
What is the biggest Hight, Width and Length of a Minifigures?
Commanders power level and the bracket.
[SLD] Secret Lair × SpongeBob SquarePants: Legends of Bikini Bottom, Internet Sensation, and Lands Under the Sea (via Collider, sold 9 AM PT on March 24)
[TDM] Stormplain Detainment (Magic Story)
Started making habitats
Why is Ponder considered card advantage on Scryfall?
Please on last fix
Please GGG last fix.
Is it just me...
Not all tutors are created equal. We should have a tier list of tutors. Possibly a point buy system.
The bracket system being limited to 5 tiers is maybe the best part of the new system
Oshabi the PC destroyer - 300 returning projectiles per second paint build
Venstre foreslår at forbyde alle bederum i offentlige uddannelsesinstitutioner.
Can we get automatic pickup of lesser shrines?
Scryfall and MTGCardFetcher for PoE?
Klager vælter ind over DR: 'Til grin'
My friends and I made a website that lets you play Guess The Card with MTG cards. Link in the comments!
Drone får Københavns Lufthavn til at indstille al flyaktivitet
[SLD] Arcade Racers - Big Score | Wheel of Misfortune | Roiling Vortex | Heat Shimmer | Final Fortune (For sale on February 10th)
[Guide] How to use Scryfall to do basically anything (it's more powerful than you'd think)
Lets make a cube (details in the comments)
Scryfall search help: Any and all reference to creature type in oracle