CQS Checker - Dedicated Thread
Resist the herd
My wife, to our therapist: He always misunderstands simple questions.
Men wanna conquer the whole planet, even if they have only three months to live
Hell or Highwater is one of the best Westerns of all time
What would you add?
My wife asked if I could stop singing ‘Wonderwall’
lonely = smart
My wife stopped me from taking my first bite at the restaurant, saying that we need to pray first.
its always okay to be sad
ik it's gonna be expensive
love this
What are personal red flags for you?
What country is this? Wrong answer only
I came home really drunk last night and my wife wasn’t happy at all.
What is the most overated place in the World in your opinion?
My wife joined a support group for women who talk too much....
Thoughts on The Hateful Eight?
a gentle reminder
What’s something everyone loves but you secretly hate?
What are your thoughts on Starbucks?