[Entry Thread #103] It’s that time where we spring forward! We once again ask for your participation by commenting and entering, then donating to the winner!
Do people actually take Chris langan seriously?
Any beaten down gems
Insight Wanted
Love the small bet parlays, gunna start betting higher soon!
Realty Income ($O) is reliable in both its dividends and 5 year underperformance
Walgreens is going private in an up to $24 billion deal
I like how this guy went on Rogan and didn't even talk about GameStop
Don’t forget that MOASS is a mathematical certainty as MSM told us themselves. As SHFs collateral evaporates, there will be a massive FUD storm leading up to earnings, enjoy the discount while you can
Ozone Theraphy Thoughts?
What if ... April is where it all ends ? What if ... the loud booms come after ? What if ... The red bar is a wick ?
I think the float is already locked at this point 🔥
membership price increase?
I Promise I Am Not A Time Traveler
Worth joining for my 8 year old?
I might just be cooked
Uhm guys??? Something might be happening soon
Can you be intelligent and think religiously?
Moved To Texas - No Longer Able To Bet
Is this good or bad? I don’t know what this means?
Free speech according to a Nazi
How religious are you?