Would I be stupid to cut this pin oak tree?
Growing in my bedroom on a bookshelf, is this unsafe to be around?
What should I name this horse?
Horse diving in the 1920 s
Would you pay $700 for this?
Famous Dave's platter for 2, $50, Des Moines, Iowa
What are these little guys found in a cow pasture in Northern California?
Ripped out the grass!
Best *band* starting with letter O?
What type of rodent is this? [Philadelphia, PA]
Hi, I found this on the flea market like 2 years ago and I wanted to be sure that it is fake… Can someone reasshure me?m
3 basic salmon rolls, 30 minute wait, 30 bucks
What’s happening with public land parcels in SoCal?
Nordic Light - Clay Edwards
My boyfriends high concoction: peanut butter on a burger
Just cracked a double yolked egg after a bad day. (Hope this means it will get better lol)
Nice jade rock
What is this? Is it a shellfish? I know agatized clams exist. But this is frosty looking.
what is this?
Did I find a broken one or is this jar
Found these in a box of a recently deceased relatives things. Are they real?
A world that doesn't exist anymore
Staff denied her boarding onto a flight cause she was intoxicated...and then she does this
What animal is this?
Some sorta squid in Australian street
Best *band* starting with letter G?