I hate enemy scaling in RPGs
this got put through my dad's letterbox today (OC)
[KCD2] Omg I got Bara some clothes and she actually wore them !
[KCD2] A little bit frustrated with Radzig
[KCD2] Martin’s Secret Radzig’s Sword
Does it need some improvement
Avez vous entendu une grosse explosion il y a moins d'une heure ?
Guys, if Titanfall 3 comes out by new year, I will buy it for everyone who comments on this post (Image not related)
Well sure, it was brought to end it
Anybody else laughed at this part of Stalker?
28 YEARS LATER – Official Trailer
Out of all 6 films, what's an extended edition scene you wish had made the theatrical cut?
[Request] How big would a set of wings have to be to carry a human body?
Storyteller Elven notes
Made a decent one today
Quel est cette espèce ?
I've been stung/bien in south France
Black Widows
any clue what this little guy is we got a couple dozen on the job site.(Houston, Texas)
la dernière publication de squeezie
Help for current rune and Code L (spoilers)
What’s the worst game you love anyway?
Need help with romance and toy box.
Strange things found in the basement ceiling of new acquired home
What game is this for you?