Tried Fire Emblem Awakening randomizer and the entire cast replacement so far has been very funny, here's some highlights
What Fire Emblem Games had the Most Enjoyable Stories and/or Cast of Characters for you?
What would you like as a new Fire emblem Spin-Off ?
What part of your country do you feel this way about?
Finally, Sewing Bear (IK underskirt too big stop I'll cry)
Which playable characters in Fire Emblem are the most FORGETTABLE?
My new jirai outfit (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
new mirror~ ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`) an unnecessary purchase but i am jirai after all...!!!
Ame and Kangel maid cosplay
Bunny Costume Alice from Nikke : Goddess of victory
Bunny Costume Alice
Bunny Costume Alice from Nikke Goddess of Victory
Maid Ganyu cosplay ft. my cat
Bought new coord and new lighting ☺️
Jirai Frieren attempt
I'll be a slayer for Valentine
We've talked about our favorite endings, but what's your guy's Least favorite?
Help, suspenders or no with this blouse?
Need a new empire name
Withered Rose Syndra by Me
Is this game saveable?
Update to mythmaker Gweb post from earlier
Is Mythmaker Gwen coming this year?
I saw someone here post gweb cosplay, I follow suit
My 2B cosplay taken yesterday