Did anyone purchase from slim down using affirm or something like it?
First Shot of Semaglutide Yesterday
Best inexpensive replacement fridge.
Is an at home photo printer worth it?
Is skin picking symptom of adhd?
Disappointment in SlimdownRx
So what are we watching now?
How do you get rid of the air bubbles?
Please help me decide!
Dude, my clothes are falling off. Need to rid my closet of most items. Should I purge them or make a “fat box” to keep in the garage?
Is it possible to get banned from returning too often?
The Bathroom of Betrayal and Subsequent Breakup
Significant weight loss
This is the first year I am not going to Christmas
Anyone going to try and order more before 11/21?
Husband is forcing me to buy leggings. What a good leggings brand to buy?
Can’t shake resentment toward my ex
Charged CC No Notification.
Why does everyone hate Ethan so much?
I gave some random kids slices of bread
Controversial Opinion: Ethan isn't annoying
We can all see this, right????
Aitah for refusing to punish my daughter after she hid something from me for over 9 months