Pick an album
Well well well
If _________ doesn't drop a new album I'm gonna explode.
A question for blue (maybe even purple) and above.
The money store
Chat Are we cooked ?
You wouldn't download a _______
Drop your fav playlist
"Johnny, Johnny?" Yes, ____?
Waluigi Is A _______!
kanye is beyond washed and it's really sad.
Who’s The Best Producer?
What is this place?
How would a circle wear pants?
She’s the wonderful wizard! The wonderful wizard of _____!
Has Ye officially lost his mind?
albums that fucking SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This one's a bit too real looking
MF DOOM with Tyler, The Creator
[Meta] r/AskOuija is looking for Moderators!
How on Earth are 1 year olds and babies who are only a couple months old on Reddit already??
I’m new here, am I allowed to post two letters in a row?
[Meta] nHOW Reporting is now Disabled on Meta Posts
Sub’s first post :D
Dear spirits do I have homework?