Why ballerina photos are more popular than male dancer photos?
Tbh,watching certain shows pretty much feels like it doesn't matter how much good a character can do cause the Fandom will turn on them if they make a mistake or 1 selfish choice.
If I presented a mystical explanation, would YOU be disappointed if it was ret-conned into a materialistic explanation later in the story? Also, how do you feel about stories that ultimately file off the explanation to "why and how" of magic and just focuses on it existing?
Back in 2010, George Zimmerman, who was involved in the Trayvon Martin case, was labeled by the press as a “White Hispanic.” He never called himself that. When does the press get to decide if someone is White Hispanic or just Hispanic?
I love it when subplots and supporting characters are the main vehicle for developing ideas, and then the buck stops with the MC (Agents of SHIELD vs Bleach and MHA, One Piece, Stranger Things, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, FMA)
Feedback for my idea on having supernatural aspects to my origins without the story focused on explaining the "how and why" of magic [Gothic romance and low fantasy]
Help me settle a debate / prove a man wrong
Characters who are easily tricked
Is there a trope you wholeheartedly love but can't stand how poorly done it is a majority of the time?
If there is a Rescue Arc, 99% of the time, it's a girl
How do/did your werewolves came to be?
Would it be possible for humanoid Gods to mate with inanimate objects?
How can I justify a wild west/cowboy themed area in an otherwise South East Asian inspired world?
Isn’t anybody else seeing the sheer amount of racism on Twitter?
How do you make people care about the WORLD?
Do people not like having black female leads in their fantasy romance?
Looking for Princess Bride-level wholesome romance
Assistance with writing female characters
How to describe an Indian person without using the word Indian.
Why are adult cartoons more obsessed with reference humor than kids cartoons?
Making abuse victims Unreliable Narrators is such a copout
Wait... THAT'S their power?
The tragedy
Is it reasonable for a two species to hate each other even after millions of years?