"Love Jihad is a sin, Hindu organization is our father!"
Who is the most beautiful anime character
This is the condition of our sub.
AI predicts IPL 2025 champion.
What style of map should you make? (osu!std)
MCC announced!
A reasoning to why pink is very strong
is pink op
Does FBM outfrag Feinberg?
"Forum Best Aim and Finger Control Player!" "No, no! It Was Maliszewski!" Meanwhile Vaxei During the Abbasid Empire Era, AD 867:
what is the most hated on gamemode?
yeah everyone is playing logbait now
I’m about to get just enough starry ore to max my first hero’s epic equipment. Which one should I upgrade first ?
We did it
Tell me what is the scam?
Accolibed | DragonForce - Valley of the Damned [Apocalypse] +HDDTHR (Kayne, 10.22*) 93.89% 898/3089x 8xMiss | 1148pp (1617pp if FC)
Knight vs position
Do you guys like quaver
Gut-wrenchingly close defense followed by an insane prediction!
Supercell knows their players so well 🤣
I never noticed this visual ground effect given by the EQ boots until today when this familiar pattern caught my eye...🤔
I know its prob not that impressive for many of you, but super proud of my clan for getting 30 straight wins! what are some of your clans' best streaks?
300 barbarians looking like a bunch of 🐜
Words can’t describe how much I hate these types of bases
worst hr player announces his break (or quit) w via YouTube community post