1994 NA. Is this bar supposed to be bent like this? What is it called?
Anglické výrazy
Ake auto do 25-30k by ste kupili?
„Slováci, vy čo ste kvôli nepriaznivej politickej situácií emigrovali zo Slovenska, čo najviac vám prekáža na krajine do ktorej ste sa presťahovali?“
Now that the RWF is over
Koľko krát ste sa boli vyplakať na WC v práci?
Pracujem ako striptérka AMA
Which engineering roles are more likely to die out?
Chlap mi len tak chcel dať nejaké drahé hodinky
Ak máte byt a nebývate v ňom, priplatíte si
Mage portals/teleports roll to the top when I open the spell bundle.
Hľadám človeka, ktorý extrémne šetrí.
Can I still get let me solo him today?
Požiadal som chatGPT aby 'roastol' tento subreddit.
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but QuiGon screwed everyone, right?
Took these photos awhile back and never posted um here. Pin-up photography and motorcycles aren't the worst hobbies to have.
Alza SK vs. CZ
70% of people are polite to AI
I lost three years of chats today.
My favourite Zorro series. Really loved watching this growing up
What are your thoughts on the Donald trump Zelenskyy conference just now?
Trump a Vance sa práve v bielom dome snažili ponížiť prezidenta Zelenskeho
sex v manželstve
Are skinny/healthy weight people just not as hungry as people who struggle with obesity?
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