Survival and realism mods
Off topic - Why do u prefer Oblivion over Morrowind?
Finished my first all water run
Shit happens
If I never take Martin and Jauffre to Cloud Ruler Temple will they continue to follow me forever?
Hi guys, could you give me name tips for Gengar and Scyther? And could you tell me if my team is good?
My first time playing. What is the best Pokemon of all time and why is it Starmie?!
A meme for every line in the Skyrim main quest part 569
Amiable Fanriene, what are you doing!?
My 6 favorite games, what are yours?
My 6 favorite games
Mine's ponytail venus flytrap
Pidgeot won by just 2 votes the flying type poll, second place to aerodactyl. Time for the strongest type of gen 1 Psychic
Rate her
11 11 11 is actually the Tower and I can prove it
Hi guys do you have any suggestions on my team ?should I add any legendary Bird.......
First time ever beating e4 (bully me for using legendaries idc)
Your Birthday Month your stand!
(Call of Pripyat Gunslinger) Pseudogiant settled in Yanov Station, is this normal?
Back to where I was
What's your favorite mobile game?
Ok guys it's time for fighting types BUT Lapras and cloyster actually tied in the Ice type poll, I'm leaning towards giving the win to cloyster since Lapras already won water types, what do you think?
Your birth month your stand
True story
I'm completely drunk