Suddenly gay at 55?
My favorite line
Give me one billion dollars
Starjammers still feel....underwhelming
Space A question:
How do I look?
One of my favorite scenes between Al and Doc is when Al tenderly prescribes swatches for a withdrawn and ailing Doc Cochran.
Some Billionaire Just Donated $42K to Fitgirl
Do you guys like Sam’s Captain America shield design?
My stepmothers name is Danuta and if I do one more American Dad Joke about her I'll probably get divorced so I just scream "Jump City" from time to time to let the madness escape
Day 5: What is the absolute worst thing Klaus has done?
Blazanov. Cheyenne and Black Hills Telegraph Company.
I rationalize monologues to myself while driving and in solitude with this, grateful to have reached this age without a decapitated head. Dan was fucking hilarious in this scene.
My ass? Is this joke?
What would you call this boss?
Would you watch an origin story?
Men, how do you feel when women ask you for help whenever physical strength is required?
Why did Steve write all those lyrics about Hillary and 33,000 emails in the Pizza Overlord jingle?
Boeing to make inferior versions of fighter jet F-47 to allies because "some day maybe they're not our allies, right?"
"Oh right, of course, please excuse me today has been absolutely nuts"
Now we know why American Dad won’t be on TBS—it has a new owner!
We all have got one
Henry Cavill just posted this to his Instagram, how did he do?
This really reflects the current vibe on Reddit.
I too have posted this before. Its not that complicated though. Too complicated for that sub though.