Games with a similar feel to Ace Combat?
Season 3 Announcement!
The 'new' Thigh High Boots aren't even a retexture, utter laziness.
"why didn't he attack mid transformation?" My brother in christ, nobody ever does!
Could Thor stop the Rumbling from AOT?
Consequences in killing Marazhai?
Susano’o hard counters Beelzebub
I don't know about Iomedae, but Sarenrae isn't looking kindly upon this
Imbued are Poweful
Can't purchase a subscription
Probably just screeching noises
They're the worst kind of vampires of all: Capitalists!
Priests who aren’t creeps or bad. And are also badassess.
Are all princes jerks or is that just a generalization?
would you survive my zombies?
How would you make vampires more dangerous?
Regill isn't nearly as competent as he thinks he is.
Ask my supernatural hunting organization anything you'd like!
"That's not FAIR!" Is often the last thing a Hunter hears a monster say
Vampire Killer Interactive Conversion
Simo and Razgriz @Tiana24116
First Documentation of a Bog Walker
How does your setting handle AI? Does it even use AI?
Update on aura clash girls being freaky