What does “Aut” mean, and is there a symbol for it? See text below…
Unique girl names starting with a G.
If you named your baby after your first crush, what would they be named?
mike and ike dildo
Cold Turkey
I stopped taking 225 mg of effexor cold turkey, AMA
prickly penis
I made this bedazzled blueberry pie purse 🫐
Looking for a girl middle name that is also a song title.
What's song is this?
Truly on train
What cities in the US meet my criteria?
What does my fridge say about me?
I’ve lost all my social skills
LOL What Good is a Degree If All I See Myself as an eventual homeless person?
Is it possible to go to grad school with a 2.5 GPA?
Best hobbies to make friends?
I just have the dumbest kink.
What will happen if I'm under 12 units?
Sleeping aid?
My gf (24) likes girls too
Could you guys please tell me what Bug this is located in Northern California around the Truckee Tahoe area. Thank You
Switching to Venlafaxine
First time on effexor
My UWP 001V SS2 Waitlist has 45 people. What are the chances of me getting off the waitlist?