uzi features getting a lot of love
I hope Uzi uses this chance to drop All White 🌬️🌬️
2022-23 Uzi = 2020 Uzi = 2017-19
the fact that uzi washes carti on every collab he decided to not even get on ts lmao
He lowk spitting
New Uzi Album?
Thoughts of Lil Uzi features?
my gf almost killed herself and it’s completely broke me
According to Uzi he doesn’t have a reddit
my dog continues to pee and poop upstairs and will not give any indications
Eternal atake vs luv is rage 2
i’m worried my girlfriend will be taken of advantage of by other people, how should i get through to her?
Out of Wassup Maaly, Ebro Chill, and Radar what’s yall fav?
idk if yall know fashion but i’ve been wondering what mosey wearing in this
anyone know where i could find this lil mosey outfit?
i tried looking everywhere for this lil mosey outfit, i literally can’t find it anywhere, can anyone help?
Which Uzi song is this?
I cooked honestly
Who the hell is this Glo guy?
should i drop speech class?
Uzi’s new story
This shit is so cap
What unreleased song do y’all think would actually be a hit if it dropped?
New Uzi live with osamason beat